Original Vutek PV 200/600 ASM Print head
Original Vutek QS UV Printhead
The customised Seiko SPT510 printhead offers high-resolution (720 dpi) and high-speed (8 kHz). This Seiko printhead is suitable for VUTEk QS-series UV printers. The kit contains 1 Seiko SPT510 printhead, 1 tube of silicone glue for the heater element and the easy-to-follow instructions for the modification.
These printheads jetpacks are brand new for the vutek GS EFI Vutek JETPACK GS/GSR GREY UNCOA QD CONN - 45095093
Original UltraVu II 3360 ASM, Jetpack Fabrivu Dye Sub - AA90527
Printer compatibility: EFI VUTEk UltraVu II 3360 FabriVu
Original UltraVu II 5330 ASM, Jetpack 5330 Complete - AA90513
Printer compatibility: EFI VUTEk UltraVu II 5330
Original Vutek PV 200/600 ASM Print head
Printer compatibility: VUTEk PressVu UV 200/600
This printhead is suitable for VUTEk PressVu UV 200/600 printers. This is the original VUTEk part (number AA90646)
Original Vutek QS UV Printhead
The customised Seiko SPT510 printhead offers high-resolution (720 dpi) and high-speed (8 kHz). This Seiko printhead is suitable for VUTEk QS-series UV printers. The kit contains 1 Seiko SPT510 printhead, 1 tube of silicone glue for the heater element and the easy-to-follow instructions for the modification.
Original Vutek GS-508 Greyscale Print head
This GS-508 (12 picoliters) print head is suitable for Vutek GS printers. This is the original Vutek print head. This product carries a manufacturer warranty.